Light the way


The beauty of life

      This morning I had seen a video that was posted on Facebook about abortion.  This video was a undercover investigation within the walls of an abortion clinic.  I will say that the idea of abortion makes me sick, it terrifies me that people would behave so cruel with life.  In this video it was a reporter who went undercover with a camera, posing as an expecting mother at 23 weeks.  The doctor (who was a women)  talked her through the steps that take place for the procedure of an abortion.  The undercover women asking very real and very serious questions towards this doctor.
The Dr. gives the answers to help her fears but doesn't give her honest answers.  They use tools and medication to stop the heart of this growing life.  Then I hear the word that crushed me deep within my heart, the word Demise.  Demise meaning the diminish of any proof of existence or in this case any proof of life.  The word Demise has become a bad word in my dictionary the truest D word there is.   I was told this word in a Dr.s office by a lady (maybe a nurse, who knows) when she informed me that the child I was planning for was a Demise.  Why didn't she just say I had lost it or that there was no heartbeat, I will never know.  To hear this word today made me just as heartbroken as the day it was used towards my child.  Heartbroken for  expecting mothers who think that there is no way out of the circumstance they are in but to end the live of a very real living human being.  Heartbroken for a Dr. and staff who choose the killing or Demise (hate the word) of life.  I was reminded in this time of desperation for happiness to watch another clip I had found on Facebook a few months back.  It is a video a father had posted of his baby who spent 107 days in the Nicu after being born 15 weeks early.  This child lived being born at 25 weeks, two weeks longer then the 23 weeks of the first would be baby.  If you would like to watch I highly recommend it, you may need a tissue.  The part I love the most is in the beginning when the mother is holding her baby for the first time.  Her smile is priceless, not only on her face but her eyes are smiling too.  Theirs something so amazing about this clip, it truly shows the beauty of life.  I'm always being reminded of my Heavenly Fathers love.  He is very aware of my needs and when I'm struggling he puts little pieces of joy back into my view.

This is the link to the second clip I watched

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Ju! I sure love when you post things... you are wise beyond your years. I wish everyone could see things the way you do. I don't like that word either... it breaks my heart cuz I know it broke yours. Love you! And thanks for the reminders :)
