Light the way


Oh its a jolly holiday with Daniel

What was the holiday we celebrated in our home......Daniels Birthday!

I sure do love this day because I'm so glad Daniel was born so that down the road he could meet me.  I definitely owe his parents for making such a wonderful guy that I'm lucky to call my husband.  Now let me say that Daniel can talk me in to anything, when I say anything I mostly mean any gift that enters our home.  I can't resist his charm I guess, or maybe I'm just as excited for him to open his gifts.  So one of his gifts was opened a week early and then a couple more a few days later, and then the last gift was a book that I placed on the book shelf to see if he would find it before his birthday.  It was fun to see him wonder where the gift was and eventually after looking at the place a few times noticed that something was different.
Opening the first gift which was a mini air hockey table

Air hockey table

some soccer cones 

We went to Tocanos for dinner for a Brazilian feast
(which leads to one happy birthday boy)

Look at that cute face stuffed with food 

My plate usually looks like this when we go there, lots of carbs haha 

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