Light the way


Love is in the air

I sure do love Valentines Day!  
Growing up it was always one of my favorite holidays, even when I didn't really know what it was like to love someone like I do now.  My parents always made it special whether it be a heart shaped rice crispy treat the size of our heads, or candy or one memory is getting Mulan for all of us kids to share.  I also remember my mom had these heart earrings that I loved so much that I was so excited to finally get to wear them on Valentines day.  This year wasn't any different when it came to wanting to make it special.  I waited for Daniel to get home and then we enjoyed a fun V-day dinner then watched a movie later on.  I sure do enjoy just staying at home on this night mostly because you don't deal with the packed and crowded restaurants, but its also just nice to have a quiet evening alone.  

I set up a picnic blanket in the living room where we ate lasagna, garlic bread and carrots
Heart shaped garlic bread

Heart shaped carrots

Because I was doing a special dinner for Daniel I did a little special gift for him
I called it my top secret project so I didn't spill the beans as to what I was doing one day while he was at work.
I got a key board from DI, came home and disinfected it because I'm a germ freak, then popped the keys out of the base.  

End result a cute keyboard themed frame.  I got the idea from Pinterest.

My gift was two Maxi skirts that he had gotten me a few days previous and of course a bag of kit kats (he knows me to well)

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