Light the way


What's in the Primary bag

I was asked to leave nursery and become a primary teacher a few weeks ago and will be teaching this Sunday for the first time.  I'm more excited then I thought I would be a few weeks ago, but also a little nervous too.  While I was at the store early this week it became real and I realized I didn't really have a bag ready yet for primary.  So I stopped at a few isles to pick up some sunbeam class necessities.  I thought because these children are still very new to primary I'd bring some familiarity to them by bringing bubbles and a few stuffed fish that I had brought to nursery.

So here is whats in my bag
 The bag (aka my biggest cute bag)
The primary manual

 my scriptures
Colored chalk
I know that I can borrow some from the library, but color is just fun 

What little kid doesn't love stickers

What little kid doesn't love bubbles

the stuffed fish

And just to keep this documented

I've been growing my hair out and have committed to not cutting it until my sister in-law gets home from her mission.  Who knows I may keep it long even when she gets home,  I do love being adble to put my hair up.
Straight hair 


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