Light the way


Here At The Riot, We went to Real Salt Lake

Okay so for the title to make sense it has to be sung to the tune of Reals soccer chant.  Which isn't allowed in our house at all only at the stadium during a game.  Its a really catchy song and once the hubs starts singing it then I get it stuck in my head all day long.   haha

We went to Real's opening season soccer game against Colorado, we were able to finally use our pass of all passes.  It was fun,  I love soccer and so does Daniel.   I think he had more fun,  I'm not a huge fan of the crowd members and there negative attitudes and use of terrible language.   If  ya want to put the opposing goalie down I don't think calling him a wanker will make him feel down.   Stupid people behind us.   Daniel Loved it though,  he got excited and really into it.  


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