Light the way


Nursery time fun

Daniel and I have been working in the Nursery in our ward, we love it and it definately has its funny moments.  We don't have children to tell these kind of experiences with so we'll gossip about other peoples children.

Our lesson today was Jesus loves everyone.   We gathered the children after snack to join us on the carpet squares and Daniel is asking them why does Jesus love you guys?  This little girl says because he gave us Santa.   I guess we know Christmas is on her mind.   I'm talking with the kids about theres snack and they were talking about gold fish crackers, same little girl from before taps me on the shoulder and says we don't have those at our house, and I was like oh thats to bad what do you like to have and she said I love taco bell.  Later on in class she said I love rice,  oh and taco bell.   Oh my goodness I laugh everytime I think of it, but you know what, who doesn't love taco bell 

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