Light the way


People of Utah, Frost yourself haha

okay so you'll only get the title if you've seen how to lose a guy in 10 days

I've been frosting a few cakes lately for Hepworth grandchildren's birthday cakes.   My mother in law asked if I'd help her one time and then she asked me some more  after.  I really don't mind, because truth be told If I could frost all day long I would.  I always have wanted to make wedding cakes and do cupcakes for parties.  Its been fun to look up a picture and just try and bring it to life on a cake.  I think the kids have loved it and its just great to see them so happy. 
B loves the game Ruzzle so this is his cake, not as detailed as the phone version but ya get the point

M- this is her ladybug cake

E- he loves Manchester United so this is his soccer cake, I don't think I've ever done something this extreme frosting wise.  It was a lot of fun to make and I'm really happy how it turned out.
These I just made for the fun of it,  I was bored and wanted to make a patriotic treat.

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