Light the way


May and June in Pictures

My computer wasn't allowing me to add pictures to our blog, so finally I'm using the hubsters computer to try showing ya'll what we've been up to.

At the beginning of May I babysat my cute nephew.  He is quite the little handful, but so much fun.  I learned that he doesn't like to wear an apron so wipes are a must, and he loves bubbles and soccer balls.  I've also come to the conclusion that our house is not really kid friendly when it comes to the lack of toys and fun.  haha I guess that will change when we have children here 24/7

Daniel's brother graduated from High school and and also went through the temple a couple weeks ago.  I've decided that I love having younger siblings, its fun to get to experience stuff with them that I've already experienced.  
congrats Mat

Two crafts I accomplished 
gray curtains for the bathroom

4th of July decor

My July decorations 

And last but not least a very good recipe I found and tried.   It's really good and cheap to make, and so delightful for this hot summer we're having.


1 small box instant chocolate pudding 
2 cups milk
1 small can evaporated milk
1/2 cup sugar

combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl, mix on med/high for 2-4 minutes, or until well blended.  Pour into molds and freeze.   Makes 10-12 depending on the size of your pudding pop mold 

you can also make other flavors by changing out your pudding mix.

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