Light the way


Vent for a moment

I hate being jealous

"The jealous know nothing, suspect much, and fear everything .

I hate feeling like I don't have enough, because I totally do. I should feel grateful for all of my many blessings and not want what others have. Its just been one of those days I guess were I just can't see my future and only look at others. I'm trying to be so happy for a friend, when deep down I'm so jealous and sad. So goal for the next little while or until I can get over this little down fall of mine is to be more grateful. I need to count the blessings I have, so here they are.


The gospel, temples, families are forever, etc.

My Job

Theres so many more, but this is just a few thought of today

1 comment:

  1. i have days like this all too often too Jules... counting your blessings is a great way to feel better. also know that if you can't be happy with where you are in life, you'll never be happy - i have to remind my self of the ALL the time. love you!
