6 pounds 19 1/2 inches long
full head of dark hair
these two are my whole world I tell ya, they're are buds
Going home, I think we all were ready
Going home outfit
Mom likes to give me a mohawk
Wasnt sure if this would fit by christmas so I wanted to take a picture
Birth story
We are proud parents to a beautiful baby girl. Baby L decided to join our family last week on Veterans day (by a little help from inducing meds and doctors). I went in for my usual weekly appointments the Friday before and my blood pressure was slightly high and I was showing beginning signs of pre eclampsia. My doctor wasn't way concerned but wanted to follow up on things over the weekend and for me to go back in on the following Monday to have my blood pressure taken and the proteins inside of me to be checked. All my my blood work came back normal and my blood pressure looked great on Monday, but I still was showing high amounts of protein. My doctor wasn't supposed to be in on Monday but while I was there he walked around the corner. He looked at my results and just came and said you know I'm not too concerned with you, but you're 38 weeks I really feel like its only gonna get worse, so I say we induce you tonight. Definitely came as a little bit of a shock to me that I would be having a baby in the next hours or days. I really can't even remember that drive back to Provo, and I'm pretty sure I was speeding the whole way. I couldn't wait to get to Daniel and hug him and see how he was handling the news. The best part for us about knowing ahead of time rather then just going in to labor was that I was able to prepare us a little before leaving. I dropped Daniel off at school and was able to go do our laundry and make sure the house was clean and that all bags were packed. When Daniel got home from school we decided to celebrate/get our last real meal that both of us would eat for awhile (Cafe Rio), then we waited to hear word from the hospital of when we could come in to start. I was able to get a very sweet comforting blessing from Daniel and then we headed to the hospital. We got there and I was pretty nervous, I've never been a patient in a hospital so it was pretty scary. They got me in a room and got me my gown and then had me lay down. We had a nurse that came and filled out all the questions she needed before starting the meds. We started the meds about 10 pm to start the effacement process. Which started the contractions pretty much immediately for me and left me not sleeping at all, I wanted to for go pain meds until I really needed them (which wasn't my best idea), and also the fact that a lot of times they slow the effacement process down. I went the whole night like that and then at 5 am I was ready for an epidural. After receiving that they started the pitosin (?) because I was almost completely effaced. Everything picked up really fast and by 7 am my doctor came to check on us and I was dilated to a 7 so he broke my water. Then everything really picked up. I was still feeling contractions even after the epidural so they came and re-dosed that right before I began pushing at 10 am. A little over 3 hours Baby L came into the world. The whole pregnancy and especially the last few weeks and her birth have been filled with so many blessings. Tiny miracles in our book. We are so grateful to our doctor who has always been so calm and fitting to mine and Daniels quiet calm personalities and always reassuring us that things would be okay. We're also so blessed to have a loving Heavenly Father that knows our needs and trusted us enough to have one of his daughters. Baby L has definitely brought a un discribable spirit to our home, and has brought us so much happiness.
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