Light the way


Finger Painting Fun

I'm a Pinterest addict
I really love finding new ideas, and even more I love when I have the stuff to copy an idea.
I found this really cute fall tree idea as a thanksgiving decoration.   I really wanted to get Daniel's help to so it could be a craft we could do together.  I had fun and I'm pretty sure he did too.  How can ya not have fun when you get to paint with your fingers.
The original piece seen on Pinterest

Starting out, I drew a large tree and a small tree 

blending the colors on our fingers

Daniel was good with mixing

then you dab your paint on the tree to form leaves

Finished Large tree

Finished small tree

I sure love that husband of mine, and I love that he'll go for my crazy (fun) ideas.   He even did this activity with me after I hid in his closet and scared him.  He's a good sport :)

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