Light the way


Top 11 of 11

I saw this idea on someone elses blog to post 11 great things that happened in 2011, well I only have about 5 that I consider really great so here they are

#1 New Job - which I really do love

#2 New Sister- Garrett got married in June to the cutest girl Jenny (oh and shes the reason that my hair is amazing, shes great at cutting hair.

#3 Jessicas Wedding/New Brother- Jessica also got married in June to an awesome guy Thom. I love seeing them both so happy and in love

#4 Tanner - In July Megan and Craig welcomed Tanner into there little family, he is such a handsome little man. He is going to be a ladies man, he sure has my heart already.

our first official picture as a couple haha just kidding

#5 I don't really have a picture for this but I've been moved around to 3 different singles wards this year not by my choosing but I'm so grateful for the moving because I've met so many wonderful people and I wouldn't be in the one I love and am in right now if it wasn't for the changes. A high council man gave a lesson a couple of months back and said that the way to over come any feelings of self doubt or depression is to remain active and become involved. So I gave myself a challenge to go to activities and FHE even if I wasn't feeling like going or thought that I wouldn't know anyone there. I tell you what it has worked so much for me. I'm not saying that I have depression or doubt myself, but I know that I had times when I did (I think everyone has those moments) . This ward has definately been my strength and is a blessing and a reason that I know I have a heavenly father who loves me, he gave me this experience for a a reason. I may not see the whole picture yet but he's gradually revealing it to me.

2011 has truely been a wonderful year, I think its been my favorite so far. There have been so many exciting things that have happened and so many reasons to be thankful for life in general.

So if 2012 is anything like 2011 I'm super excited and ready for it to come.

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