Light the way


Labor Day

Our Labor day was spent getting Daniel ready for school, figuring out me a couple projects to keep me busy and spending the day together.  Daniel had the day off from work so we got to sleep in a little bit which is always nice for him I'm sure.  We went on a little quiet picnic to this pretty little, shady area just to the side of BYU campus.  I thought I was being cleaver on picking this for an idea, turns out a lot of people got the same idea.  Great minds think a like I guess.   It was fun though, if it wouldn't have been a little cold we both commented that we could have taken a nap right there on the blanket in the fresh air.  We then headed to Walmart to get some last minute school supplies for Daniel.  We learned that Walmart is crazy the day before school starts in a college town.  College students were everywhere filling there grocery carts with microwavable foods, school supplies and things they probably realized there dorms/apartments didn't have.  It was also P-day for the missionaries so you can imagine how packed the store was.   We were able to get Daniel a large white board that he has already put to good use doing homework.  I got a little bit of fabric for our halloween costumes (more of that to come in October).  We came home and took a nap and then the work began.  We were able to organize, get rid of stuff, and just make things look nice in our apartments.  It looks so much better and we both just feel like were not as surrounded by boxes and storage.  It also makes room for baby stuff that we'll be needing in the next few months.  We also got a crib this weekend.  I've been stressing about finding one for quite sometime and I wanted it to be cute and in decent condition.  I'd been checking on KSL for a few months, checking all the stores I could think of everyday hoping there would be a clearance sale, and entering contests for them or money toward them.  Well I finally found one on Sat. morning I just so happened to look on ksl and see a good deal and it looked great, called the lady and she said that we needed to hurry because she'd been getting lots of calls about it.  So we jumped in the car and drove to Orem in our pajamas and took a look, and loved it.  It really is in great condition and looks so cute in our little girls room/office/storage.  haha gotta love apartments but with the cleaning we did it just makes it seem more like her room. 

There's our Labor Day of fun!