Light the way


Random Exciting and Yummy

What have we been up too?  Not a whole lot, but I do have a few pictures I wanted to share.  One being a mission call in the family, cute baby pictures, and of course a yummy recipe. Enjoy!

Daniel's brother got his mission call to Chile.
Were so excited for him

My sister started making these adorable baby shoes.
Aren't they the cutest things you ever did see.

Oh wait this is the cutest thing I ever did see, man I just could snuggle her all day.

As promised a recipe
Homemade Crackers 

I just put everything in my food processor and pulsed it together, once mixed roll in a ball and put in the fridge for 15 min.  Roll dough out on floured surface to the thickness you want.  

Cut into squares or any shape you'd like.  If you have a child you may want to do a animal or fun shape.  I made mine look like cheeze-it crackers.

Place on lightly greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 for 15 min or until crispy.

These were so good, a little to good meaning that they were eatin really fast.  I like that they're healthier then the store bought ones, and so much cheaper.


The babies have arrived

We were excited for the arrival of the Babies.  Daniel's Brother A and his wife F were expecting there 5th child (gender unknown)  and My sister was going to be having a girl.  Little did we know we'd get both of them in the same week.  Last week was so exciting to hear of there births and to get to see and hold them.  I just love babies especially newborns.  A and F ended up having another little girl, we got to see her at Sunday dinner.  Holding her was such a great moment for me this being the first of there kids to hold as a newborn.  She was so sweet and wide awake the whole time.  I also mentioned that my sister had her little girl this week as well.  She had her on the 27th just a tiny little girl, 5lbs.  Little baby O was definitely anticipated by our family being that the last baby was a couple years ago.  She is also so sweet, just sleeps and has that mushy skin you just want to keep kissing hahah.  I got to go see her twice while in the hospital and a couple times since being home.  Here's some darling pictures of Baby O that I captured.
Meeting her for the first time
(love at first site)

a little selfie from O

Momma and Baby 

O doing her signature pose

Uncle Daniel meeting her for the first time
(theirs just something about a man holding a baby......LOVE)

We sure do love all our nieces and nephews.
(and Juliann declares holding of babies as her new hobby)