Light the way


Vent for a moment

I hate being jealous

"The jealous know nothing, suspect much, and fear everything .

I hate feeling like I don't have enough, because I totally do. I should feel grateful for all of my many blessings and not want what others have. Its just been one of those days I guess were I just can't see my future and only look at others. I'm trying to be so happy for a friend, when deep down I'm so jealous and sad. So goal for the next little while or until I can get over this little down fall of mine is to be more grateful. I need to count the blessings I have, so here they are.


The gospel, temples, families are forever, etc.

My Job

Theres so many more, but this is just a few thought of today


9/11 Day of Remembrance

I remember 9/11 vividly, it was a day that I didn’t realize then was so devastating and important. I was in 5th grade and just getting ready for school, I was going down stairs to watch channel 2 news, like I did everyday (nerdy kid I know). I don’t think I really understood what was going on. I remember being so mad when I got home and during the night that my favorite tv shows were not on. I realize now that I was a child and that was the way you think as a child. I didn’t know what it meant to be under attack, or even what a terrorist was. It’s amazing how much you can learn after ten years and how feelings of fear still come back when seeing those towers fall. Many people died that day, many heroes unveiled and many lives changed. I was watching a dateline special the other night that was all about 9/11 from the towers, to the pentagon, to the families that are still dealing to this day. I was really touched by one story that I was hearing for the first time and I’ll share on here.

"Of the four aircraft hijacked on September 11, Flight 93 is the only one that did not reach its intended target, presumed to be the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C.[1] Several passengers and crew members made telephone calls aboard the flight and learned about the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. As a result, the passengers decided to mount an assault against the hijackers and wrest control of the aircraft. The plane crashed in a field in Stonycreek Township, Pennsylvania, about 150 miles (240 km) northwest of Washington, D.C., killing all 44 people aboard, including the four hijackers.”

I can’t imagine the bravery and sacrifice of the members of that flight. I’m proud to be an American. I’m so grateful for the place I live and the freedoms I’m granted each day.


Fashion Clips

Take some old fabric add some feathers and Pearls

and you get these cute clips

I don't know if I can pull them off as much as like a little girl or baby, but there super cute.

Let the blogging begin

Well I figured that if I'm going to blog stalk everyone I know (or don't know) haha, that its time to start my own blog. This blog will mostly be my creations or hobbies that interest me, with a little bit about my life and the activities that fill it. Have fun reading and stalking my pictures, and please leave comments whenever you see fit.